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2 weeks until our new PDM webinar session.

With hybrid teams working across multiple sites and using different tools, the chances of product development delays and mistakes are increased. By using product data management (PDM) tools that bring together both internal and external collaborators, this could all be avoided. 

We'd like to invite you to join our upcoming webinar where Bruce Buck, Technical Marketing Manager at Autodesk, will walk you through the impact of PDM and how it can give you a competitive edge. We'll also save some time to answer your questions live at the end! 

Sign up today with one short form
and join us on March 13, 2024 for "From data to deliverables: improving collaboration with PDM."

Can't attend live? Register anyway and we'll send you the webinar recording.

Best regards,
The Autodesk Webinar Team 
Your speaker:
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Bruce Buck
Bruce is a technical marketing manager at Autodesk. Prior to Autodesk, he spent many years in industry as a Product Designer, CAD Administrator, and Systems Implementer. His focus is on Data & Process tools such as PLM & PDM solutions.