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Thank you for choosing Fusion for personal use. As a reminder, to qualify for Fusion for personal use, you must use the software for non-commercial projects only and generate less than $1,000 USD in annual revenue. 

If you no longer qualify for Fusion for personal use,
this email provides important operational information about Fusion commercial subscriptions.

This year at Autodesk University 2023, we further communicated the Fusion industry cloud vision where we have committed to building a future where you can unify data, technologies, and workflows across your entire organization, move seamlessly between Autodesk products, and extend your reach through 3rd party applications, partnerships, and APIs. 

As a result, we are rebalancing the price of Autodesk Fusion to represent the value it delivers. Effective January 30, 2024, the annual subscription price will increase to $680 USD SRP.

If you no longer qualify for Fusion for personal use and are interested in more functionality, including recently added configurations, and fastener libraries, you should consider a Fusion commercial subscription. 

If you purchase an annual subscription before January 30, 2024, you will receive a renewal price lock at the current price of $490 USD SRP until February 6, 2027. For more information about these changes, refer to the following blog post and FAQ.

If you no longer qualify for Fusion for personal use and are interested in more functionality, including recently added configurations, and fastener libraries, you should consider a Fusion commercial subscription. 

For more information about these changes, refer to the following blog post and FAQ.

All prices are for estimation purposes only. The SRP does not include taxes or currency adjustments. The actual retail price is determined by your reseller and is subject to currency fluctuation. Contact your Autodesk representative or reseller for exact pricing in your region. 

Thank you again for choosing Autodesk Fusion.